What Interests You Most About Gaming?


Well-Known Member
In this thread, please tell us what interests you the most about your gaming experiences, why you game, and how long you have been a gaming addict. (If you are one)
What interests me most about gaming is the entertainment and release of lifes pressures through an escape from reality. This is pretty much the reason that I game. I have been gaming since I was 8. This was when I started sleeping over at my cousins house and started playing their Sega. I find that gaming can be healthy in moderations as it releases stress and eases the mind. I do not think that I am a gaming addict as I limit my time and gaming does not take priority in my life. I use gaming as more of a reward than as a need that must be fulfilled. 
Nice response. I too agree with you on the fact that I do not have an addiction to gaming. I hardly play much at all anymore like I used to. I began gaming years back when I started playing Space Invaders on the Atari game system. Those were the days.
I like video games as i have been playing them from the age of about 8 years old i love playing them the excitement and the fun with playing 2 player games with a friend.I like gaming aswell because it helps me to pass the time while i am really getting my head stuck into a game
I just love it as it ensures you not only pass time but its gret fun and entertainment especially with online gameplay and friends.
I play games to experience things that can't (or shouldn't) happen in real life. I play it for entertainment and fun, too. I have been playing since I were around four years old or so. Even though I like video games, I'm not exactly a harcore gamer now. I have other things to do, but I still play when I have time, like weekends or vacations.
I game because I love to feel immersed in different worlds and new tales. It is great to me to escape a bit your reality and switch responsibilities for a bit. I really like getting attached to the different worlds and characters and getting touched with some moments and lessons. Other games it is just to pass the time. I like simple puzzles/games I can pick up at any time.

What Interests me the most about my gaming experiences is that have a good time and I can have some variety depending what I feel like spending my time on.

I have been a game addict for many years. Since I was around 4. I got really hooked with the NES when I was around six years old. Then for my 12th Birthday I got the Nintendo 64 and that brought me back into gaming since.
^Good to see someone who skipped the SNES as well (accidently).

I like to game mostly because of the different stories and characters that come to life in games.  I love RPGs for this.  I enjoy the occasional multiplayer with a couple of mates in the same room as me with Mario Party, Goldeneye/Perfect Dark or Smash Bros., but generally I'm a single player gamer.

I like being immersed in a game, like reading a good book.  I love the creativity that it sparks inside of me and how gaming has become an art form.

I started playing games when I was around 5 or 6, my Dad gave my brother and I a choice between a Sega or the NES.  We chose the NES and never looked back.  Most of those days was watching my older brother play for hours and hours since there were no saved games back then haha.  I also watched him play his Gameboy.  Dad then bought us a Nintendo 64 and I played more of that; which cemented my addiction to games.  Lylat Wars(StarFox 64) and Ocarina of Time were the 'game changers' so to speak.  The rest is history.  Nintendo is my favourite, I'm a bit of a fanboy still but not as Nazi about it as I used to be =P
I just love gaming. I didn't really get into it until the NES came out and then later I looked for online gaming and found MUDs and several FPS games to play online. That was around 1995 or so. Once broadband hit that's when the online thing really took off. No more high pings and dying because you lagged, well not as much anyways.
I game because it allows me to escape into another world where anything is possible. That concept just amazes me and it makes me really want to continue on with my passion. 
I'm not an addict, but I like play games from time to time. Good way to burn time and fun too.
I play my games because i am sometimes bored and don't wanna do anything else. I'm a pretty decent gamer when it comes to Mario games, not so much on Sonic but did experience it 2 wks. ago with Sonic Colors for the Wii. So, yea, i'm a pretty good gamer overall!
It's the break from reality that i get from gaming which is the biggest driver. The immersion into the world of videogames gives you the power to do something you can't in real life. Shoot someone? Check. Fly? Check, don't even need wings for that. Climb a peak? Check. Do some magic? Ride a tank? Time travel back to the stone age? Check. Check. Check. Basically anything. And i can do this all in HD graphics like I'm really there. And if you know how to make use of it properly without too much abuse, it can be a great companion, an anti-depressant and so much more:)
Starting to play any game for the first time is almost always exciting to me. I don't know what to expect, everything is so new and fresh (even if it's an old game) and adventure is in the air. Well, sometimes the games don't always turn out to be as good as I hope but that good feeling I get every time is what convinced me to try so many games. There are so many different possibilities in gaming and the potential to also meet many great people as well.

I think I started playing PC games when I was 10 years old, games like FlyFF or Adventure Quest come to mind. I was so easily entertained and that sadly isn't the case anymore. Thankfully games are evolving rapidly and are giving players even more things to do.
Well, I've been gaming since I was 5. I got a really strong connection with some games, but now a days I can't find any game that can satisfy me like some of the old ones did, like Shadow of the Colossus.
 I can't seem to find a game to stick to, I always get tired of playing after 30 minutes or so, before I could play all day and not be tired. I used to be addicted, but now that I'm 19 years old, off school, I have to do something with my life and I'm to busy to play for long periods of time. I will never stop gaming though.  
I got really into gaming because of the fact that it has the ability to let you escape from reality for some time. I don't mean this as in my life sucks, because I love my life, but in the sense that it helps take away stress and pressure from work. It's also a great way to stay in touch with some of my friends after we all moved away for college. Gaming is fantastic, and I believe it's one of the better hobbies for someone to have!